About us

Splayn is the social network for musicians and music lovers. The name for this social network was formed  from such three words as Sound, PLAY and Network.  Using Splayn you can create your own personal page where it will be some information about you and there may be placed your music records (in audio and video format). You can also put  there a posters with your future or past performances  and post notes in your blog. So, if you are a musician then your personal page in Splayn may be your professional summary and can be seen by the chiefs of orchestras or producers of sound recording studios and concert halls.

Through Splayn your can find partners for music ensemble and potential performers  for your compositions. There you can also find the creative works of contemporary composers for your performance and certainly you can acquire  your  grateful audience.

Visiting Splayn is free and does not require any registration for music lovers who do not create music records and do not prefer to write reviews.  So, you can send a link with your record even to those people who are not registered in Splayn and are not willing to do so. 

Splayn was established under the auspices of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory which is one of the greatest and the most distinguished musical institution in the world. With Splayn it is quite possible to expect that professors of the conservatory can hear your record as well as your friends, of course.

Suppose that you have published a very impressive record. How can other Splayn users get to know it if they don’t know you personally and don’t have you in their newsfeed?  The answer is: there is a special Splayn rating for this. Every record has a rating which consists of amounts of listening and a number of downloads. There are comments and reviews as well. They also have an influence on rating. In that way, the more users listen to your record and download it the higher rating  it will have. The same scheme is for comments and reviews which users can write after they have listened  your composition. Records with the highest rating will be displayed on the main page in the column “Popular” and there you can also see your recent added records in the column “New”.

Unlike other social networks in Splayn you can have a full control under your music. Only an author of the composition can place a record with his own music. So do not worry, it is impossible for your composition to be uploaded or be misnamed  by somebody else.

Splayn is a professional tool for musicians. It is the way to attract public attention to your creativity, to get useful contacts as well as to find like-minded people and deliver your music to the wider  circle of listeners. Registration on Splayn is free and it will be always free.